Multisensory (Five senses) learning approach Preschool - Victoria Playpark

A multisensory (five sense) approach towards learning stands to work well for preschoolers

The multisensory (five sense) approach of learning has been popularized across recent times. But many people are still unsure regarding what multisensory (five sense) approach of learning is. There are numerous ways in which your child can benefit from the multisensory (five sense) approach to learning. Right from the moment when a child is born, the parents start planning a future for him. The parents want their children to excel in life, by finding happiness and being successful. It all starts with laying the right kind of a foundation for success for a child, right from an early stage. The very first step is ensuring that your child is enrolled in the right kind of preschool. Multisensory (five sense) learning is best initiated from a preschool level. It is hence prudent for parents to enrol their children in a multisensory (five sense) preschool. Importance of multisensory (five sense) learning One of the commonplace challenges faced by teaching faculties is ensuring that each of the students learns successfully. A handful of students are good at learning but a few struggles as well, even at a preschool. Content reaches different children’s brains in different ways. A multisensory (five sense) approach correspondingly uses different pathways for teaching the children. This ensures that each of the children has a uniform opportunity to learn. Let us take a closer look at multisensory (five sense) learning techniques It has been scientifically proven that we recall only 20% of what is read, 30% of what is heard and 40% of what is seen. Multisensory (five sense) techniques designed such as that a child remembers well. Learning patterns are designed in such a way that they help a child at later stages in life as well. Among the implements of multisensory (five sense) learning are: o Auditory Children who are strongly auditory need lessons to be presented through this modality. Hearing themselves speak out lessons helps them learn better. Hearing content read out aloud helps them. Discussing lessons in the class also helps them learn. Similarly, speaking a word aloud as they write it helps them learn. o Visual Visual learners benefit by seeing the lessons they learn. They should be presented with visuals that express the meaning of what they learn. Charts and graphs help them organize information and make sense of it in the entirety. Illustrations help them find patterns. As an instance, they learn to write M better when they are shown mountains, which look like M. Symbols can be embedded in visuals to help kids learn better. o Tactile Tactile modality works nicely for the children who use their hands to learn. The children can use paper and pencil, move things around and manipulate objects. Moving clock hands and real-world representations for base ten materials are some ways that work effectively. o Kinaesthetic (touch and balance) Kinaesthetic learners learn better by doing things by themselves. Implements such as float sink games inculcate an aptitude for learning amongst them. These implement help children learn in a better way. Alternately, multisensory (five sense) learning enables an easier transfer of instruction and information. The capacity for learning enhances. A broader definition of multisensory (five sense) learning Multisensory (five sense) primarily refers to ‘many senses’. Multisensory (five sense) learning correspondingly refers to two using 2 or more senses within the same activity. Multisensory (five sense) learning henceforth delivers an insight into the child’s natural way of learning. The focus and attention span enhance, and so does the memory. In particular, multisensory (five sense) learning helps build reading readiness among children. The very basics of multisensory (five sense) approaches: Even before a baby is born, he or she gets initiated with processing sensory information. Young children tend to know more about the world around them by listening and observing. They explore with their movement and hands. Children process information in their own ways and ask a lot of questions in their quest to learn more. Learning alphabets can be a multisensory (five sense) experience Let us consider an example. Something as simple as learning alphabet letters can become a multisensory (five sense) experience. There are some cases wherein learning alphabets is a difficult experience for children. In the English language, there are 26 alphabets, and children need to learn both, uppercase and lowercase versions of the same. Along with the same, they should know how to pronounce each letter. There are cases wherein the names and phonetic sounds have similarities, so it is easy for the children to become confused. This is one situation wherein multisensory (five sense) strategies can make a world of difference. If we consider the case of the children who otherwise struggle to learn alphabets, multisensory (five sense) learning eases the processes for them. Let us consider a multisensory (five sense) learning methodology for learning alphabets: • Show the alphabet to the children • Say its name • Ask the children to say it with you • Show a picture, whose name starts with the alphabet, such as A for apple. • Make the letter with a material with a particular texture, such as yarn or clay. • Make the letter in the air with a finger • Use a small sandbox to trace the letter If this seems significant, one can start merely with one or two activities. Multisensory (five sense) learning is fun and effective at the same time. Multisensory (five sense) learning is beneficial for all learners: Being a part of a multisensory (five sense) preschool will benefit all children. Children who are dyslexic or face emotional or behavioural difficulties stand to benefit significantly from multisensory (five sense) learning. This is also beneficial for children facing an autistic spectrum of disorders or ADHD. Multisensory (five sense) learning enhances children’s problem-solving skills and creative thinking. Communication and speaking skills become stronger. While a child sees progress on the front of personal growth, he develops leadership skills as well. With the preschools conducting the learning in a fun and interactive environment, it becomes an exceedingly positive experience for the children. This creates a strong foundation for learning. As the capacity for learning enhances, the kids try to learn more and achieve more. Using the multisensory (five sense) approach, the programs are frequently created in a way that they benefit the children in the finest of ways. Each of the children discovers fine takeaways. Individual attention is given by the faculties to the attendees also helps.