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March 7, 2022News

EduMaker Voices X VPP Hold an Expert Talk on Coping with the Pandemic

The first in a series of EduMaker Voices talks geared at helping families cope with the pandemic was successfully held on 7 March, 2022. VPP presenting “Supporting Children’s Well-being During Covid”, led by Dr. Patrick Ip, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, The University of Hong Kong and Consultant, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, drew parents’ substantial interests in gaining the insights on promoting and safeguarding children’s holistic and healthy development during school suspensions in the pandemic.

Key takeaways included:

  • The first three years of children’s brain development impact their habitual responses, language abilities, emotional control, and social skills, and have long-lasting effects.
  • Children’s having adequate sleep and exercise and avoiding extended use of electronic devices enhance both children’s and adults’ resilience and reduce parental stress during the pandemic.
  • Parents’ diminishing use of digital gadgets helps children to build a healthier lifestyle.
  • Positive parent-child interaction improves children’s behaviour, brain development, and school readiness (from storytelling and playing games to exercise or arts and crafts)
  • Quality education and positive parent-child interactions in the kindergarten stage play an equally important role in children’s holistic and healthy development.
  • Studies indicate that return on investment in human capital is higher in the preschool stage than during or after schooling.

The webinar provided a window into how to keep children physically and mentally healthy from complex and uncertain situations.


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