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March 7, 2022News

PN/ K1 Preparation Class Information Webinar

Education is a lifelong journey and starting off on the right foot can have a profound impact on your child and their futures!

To help parents gain a better understanding of how our curated early childhood education programme facilitates children’s smooth transition to kindergarten, Dr. Richard Wong, VEO Early Childhood Academic Advisor, conducted a special information webinar on 7 March 2022.

In the webinar, Dr. Wong explored how the Preparation Class in April – July 2022 introduces the IB Inquiry Cycle and Learner Profile and lays the foundation for children’s attempts at independence, self-management, and communication with their peers.

Webinar key takeaways:

  • The programme is designed to help children acquire knowledge, values, skills and competencies, so as to develop their independence, confidence, self-management and communication skills.
  • The IB’s Inquiry Cycle and Learner Profile are integrated into the theme-based and trilingual teaching approach to nurture children’s curiosity and passion for learning.
  • Class activities, classroom rules and timetable arrangements were modelled after the PN/K1 programme to help children adjust to their new environment.
  • Developmental Report Cards*, Learning Portfolios and feedback within lessons will be provided to recognise each child’s unique growth and development process. (*upon continual 4 months’ enrolment in VPP)
  • There will be a graduation ceremony (replete with certificates and photos), festival celebrations and monthly birthday parties.
  • To let children meet their kindergarten friends earlier, we will try our best to place students from the same future VEO campuses to attend the Preparation Class together.

We are proud to be working hand-in-hand with parents to prepare the next generation of students for future success, and we look forward to seeing you all soon at VPP!


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